On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 8:55 AM, Robert Milkowski <mi...@task.gda.pl> wrote:
>>> Oracle has stated that going forward OpenSolaris will NOT have all
>>> packages from Solaris prime.
>> That's always been the case since the OpenSolaris distribution was created
>> over 2 years ago. Again, nothing new, unless you're referring to or know
>> something different.
> Oracle is doing "Welcome Sessions" and when I attended the London one couple
> of weeks ago they mentioned that not everything will be open source in Open
> Solaris. I don't know what exactly they mean by that but I guess they are
> referring to products like Fish Works which is based on Open Solaris but
> still it is not an open source product. We should except more
> products/appliances like this in the future I think. I would be very
> surprised (and disappointed) if Oracle would start closing main components
> of the OS. I doubt they will.
> --
> Robert Milkowski
> http://milek.blogspot.com

That is my (hopeful) expectation as well.  Given that Larry has stated
on multiple occasion his love of appliances, and given that fishworks
gives him probably one of the best appliance frameworks out there (my
understanding that the storage appliance was just the first use of the
framework, I wouldn't be surprised to see other uses come out in the
future), it seems to be a reasonable assumption until Oracle announces
something to contradict that.   As was noted earlier, this position
would also be unchanged from the pre-acquisition Sun days (i.e.
nothing to see here).  Of course Slasholes can never resist an
opportunity to knock Sun, can they? =]
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