You (Joerg Schilling) wrote:
> Matthias Pfützner <> wrote:
> > None of Sun's or Oracle's actual products has real license keys build into 
> > the
> > software. So, it will not stop nor be feature-reduced!
> >
> > You "only" will no longer be allowed to used it. When or if-at-all Oracle
> > might think about sueing you, is totally unclear... They are entiteld to do
> > so, but Oracle would need a real business case to really try to fine you... 
> > My
> > guess...
> And here we are in a funny state......
> Neither US Copyright nor European Copyright forbid you (as a user) to use a 
> piece of software unless you did previously copy it in a non-legal way.
> Jörg

And, that's why, AFAIK, Oracle has NEVER tried to sue anybody for using its
software for more than 90 days. The 90 day limit is with Oracle for years now,
that's their practice, so, why complain? Just check, what Oracle had been
doing with their "free-software" and their licneses.

You'll see, it's not much difference to what Sun's been doing... (The "ToDo
part", not the "legalize docs part")... Oracle might only take a more
conservative approach (you know, it's the country of "don't put your cat into
the microwave oven" or "Objects in mirror might be closer than they appear")
and get itself out of any possible legal dispute AFTER 90 days of usage...

Matthias Pfützner | Tel.: +49 700 PFUETZNER      | Die Strafen dienen zur Ab-
Lichtenbergstr.73 | | schreckung derer, die
D-64289 Darmstadt | AIM: pfuetz, ICQ: 300967487  | keine Sünde begehen
Germany      | | wollen.         Karl Kraus
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