On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Chad Welsh <unixphr...@mac.com> wrote:
> Well we have heard from one of the OGB members about forking this project to 
> save it from the hands of [b]"HOracle"[/b] the multi-headed, voracious, open 
> source devouring monster. So, when and who might be the first step/person to 
> make this happen to protect what has been done so far?

A full fork can only be made if the internationalisation parts of libc
are released as open source. Either we have to call the TOG (The Open
Group) for source license, wait that Roland Mainz releases his version
or find a suitable substitute.
And then forking the hell outta here.

Jennifer Pioch, Uni Frankfurt
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