On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Paul Gress <pgr...@optonline.net> wrote:
> On 04/14/10 12:12 PM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> Paul Gress wrote:
> If their pushing to the main OpenSolaris gates every day, why hasn't
> anything been released.  Why cannot I upgrade to b135, b136 or b137?
> Every previous time we've had a release in progress, updates to /dev stopped
> while the release was underway - when 2009.06 was being finalized, builds
> 112
> though 115 got skipped in /dev.
> But the difference was the community was informed.  It appears that
> everything was frozen.  I must say that I'm getting nervous.  I've been
> waiting since around the later b120's for b135, as this marked the first
> release with NWAM phase 1.  Now I see not even a whisper on the release
> front.

How can it appear to be ^frozen^?
Then maybe you are not subscribed to the right lists.

I doubt anybody would continue to pay the developers, unless they do
very well plan to release *something*.

Maybe the delay has to do with polishing justice related aspects,
licenses and so on.
The price list, the type, duration and price tag of future support
contracts, all that stuff.

Everything is mere speculation.
Except for the FACT, that the engineers are still doing their jobs,
that is: PUBLICLY.
How much more do you want?

The distro?
Everything that it takes to create one is openly available.

Or let´s just wait a bit.

During my life experience I learned one thing for sure: Distrust and

> My analogy on this situation is like the drug pusher giving drugs to kids
> for free knowing when he stops giving it for free the kids will be addicted
> and will agree to pay for it.  It appears we are now in the stop giving it
> stage and the community is now going through withdrawal symptoms.  They need
> their Opensolaris.

Sounds like you are experienced     ;-)

%martin bochnig

>    Unfortunately, I don't know when new builds
> will be able to be published in the pkg repo again, but the sources continue
> to be made available if someone else wanted to build them.
> Just taking the existing sources and releasing builds to a community-run pkg
> repo is not a fork though.
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