
You (Mike DeMarco) wrote:
> > 
> > So, folks, again, GET USED TO the new communication,
> > and DO NEVER EVER draw
> > WRONG conclusions!
> > 
> > It's so easy!
> Normally I would agree, but I know for a fact that this lack of communication 
> about a way forward with Sun products is driving businesses away. Every 
> businesses that I talk to is now looking for a migration path away from 
> Solaris due to, UNCERTAINTY in the direction.
> Oracle had nine months to plan a strategy for Solaris and they did just that, 
> So you can look at it with your rose color glasses but when you take them off 
> and look at all the businesses that are looking for consultants to migrate 
> from Solaris to AIX, Migrate from Solaris to Linux. You don't need to be a 
> good poker player to read the tells that Oracle is presenting.
> Even the Sales reps are frustrated with Oracle as they can get no information 
> from them either. They do not even have Non Disclosure Agreement information 
> any longer.
> I have lived in the Sun world for the past 20 years and find Oracles 
> treatment worse than what we would have gotten from IBM.

I already stated, that I know the difference between what Sun had been doing
and what Oracle is doing. Yes, I know, we all would love to see more
"confirmation" or at least "more communication" from Oracle. That might also
be induced by the fact, that Sun has been in a defending position for the last
couple of years, if not close to a decade. There was competition.

Oracle never has feared competition. They treat the market like: "I do offer
X, Y and Z. Take it, or choose someone else, you might then get, what you
chose. Therefore, I need not beg you to stay with me. You know, that you are
dealing with the 2nd largest SW (now the biggest systems!) vendor, and that
knowlegde of power does give you the assurance you need. There's even lifetime
support, in case you need that. So: No need to assure you, Mr. Customer, we
spend money on threatening our competitors. (like with all the adds around the
benchmarking things, offering 1million dollar bets, et.al.)."

Yes, I know, how advisors think. They want to cover their arses... That's why
they need assurance...

Business always is about taking risks and making decisions. You try to
leverage risk, and assess risk. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't (at
least not in the way you like to).

The only thing I'm trying to transmit here is: The "perceived fear" is a
result of FUD, and not based on any real information.

I don't use rose color glasses, I try to transmit some guideance on what's
happening why, and try to make it easier for all you out there to put the
things you see or don't see into perspection.

And: It's WRONG to state, that there are no NDA informatiosn any longer. Ask
your sales rep for NDA, you'll get NDA. BUT: You need to have a valid business
case to ask for NDA or classified information. Oracle does not spread that as
easily as Sun did. And in order to get those NDA infos, your sales contact
then internally needs to request those infos up their management chain. Can be
done, has been done, and is done daily!

Matthias Pfützner | Tel.: +49 700 PFUETZNER      | Die Erschaffung eines 
Lichtenbergstr.73 | mailto:matth...@pfuetzner.de | Kunstwerkes kann niemals
D-64289 Darmstadt | AIM: pfuetz, ICQ: 300967487  | ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt
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