> You picked a bad example. GNU tar has its own share
> of problems. By
> default no other achiever than GNU tar can unpack
> long path names in
> archives created by GNU tar.

Maybe I just got lucky...

[al...@eagle Documents]$ gtar zcvf ./test.tgz tmp
tmp/split log cut.jpg
tmp/Trailer Photo this is a long filename 11-11-09.doc
tmp/UCLA 2010 Acceptance Leter
[al...@eagle Documents]$ gtar -tzvf ./test.tgz
drwxr-xr-x aland/staff       0 2010-05-23 00:37 tmp/
-rw-r--r-- aland/staff   32549 2010-05-23 00:36 tmp/split log cut.jpg
-rw-r--r-- aland/staff 1964032 2010-05-23 00:37 tmp/Trailer Photo this is a 
long filename 11-11-09.doc
-rw-r--r-- aland/staff   78085 2010-05-23 00:36 tmp/UCLA 2010 Acceptance Leter
[al...@eagle Documents]$ rm -rf tmp/
[al...@eagle Documents]$ gunzip test.tgz
[al...@eagle Documents]$ tar xvf test.tar
x tmp, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x tmp/split log cut.jpg, 32549 bytes, 64 tape blocks
x tmp/Trailer Photo this is a long filename 11-11-09.doc, 1964032 bytes, 3836 
tape blocks
x tmp/UCLA 2010 Acceptance Leter, 78085 bytes, 153 tape blocks
[al...@eagle Documents]$ cd tmp/
[al...@eagle tmp]$ ls
split log cut.jpg
Trailer Photo this is a long filename 11-11-09.doc
UCLA 2010 Acceptance Leter
[al...@eagle tmp]$ 

> I have more
> examples, at least
> one for each GNU tool I know.

I'm sure you do...there's a lot of hear-say and rumors...

> Why aren't be going to put money together and HIRE
> someone. 100 people
> pay $100 each month to hire 2-3 people to eradicate
> the closed sources
> in libc. A company could pay $1000 a month and only
> 90 people have to
> pay to $100. Two companies could pay $2000 and only
> 80 people have to
> pay the $100....

You can, but that is not the way open source works, it comes from the heart not 
the pocket, this is something that Sun never understood. They were always 
trying to give out some swag so that the people could be their marketing 
lemmings. The last SVOSUG meeting there was some bags that looked like loin 
cloths to me, they were completely useless, IMO. Sun always felt that by giving 
SWAG to people they would just flock to the community and be a part of it. The 
people that ran the <cough> (Open)Solaris program just were not in touch with 
the actual people, most never attend user groups at all, except for Jim 

> Why don't we rename the organisation then?

You mean something like ClosedSolaris? *gd&r* (I say that's a joke son!)
> > I think Linux is good enough for the enterprise. If
> I have to sacrifice the ability to build the system
> from open sources, enterprise doesn't mean $#!T at
> the end of the day. Live free or die...
> +1

This is why Plocher's suggestion was good, IMO. We need to be able to build it 
ourselves, to get rid of the closed sources, to not be dependent on a company 
like Oracle so that we can build.
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