On 31 May 2010, at 12:55, homerun wrote:

> If it is now "nailed" that next release is based on 134b what is a reason not 
> to publish 134a build to dev repo ?

If there's a 134b, one might presume it's because 134a wasn't stable enough to 
release. In which case, it's unlikely to be of much use to anyone who already 
has access to b134.

It's also happened before that respins have been required to resolve legal or 
licensing issues that were only spotted after the build.  If such issues 
existed in 134a, its release wouldn't be permitted by Oracle anyway.


CALUM BENSON, Interaction Designer     Oracle Corporation, Ireland
mailto:calum.ben...@oracle.com         Solaris Desktop Team
http://blogs.sun.com/calum             +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Oracle Corp.

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