On 06/ 2/10 07:13 PM, Andrew Greimann wrote:
Hello, I've got an issue with a partition I cannot seem to access. I'm familiar 
how drives are mounted in Linux and mapped in Windows. For instance, /dev/sda5 
underneath the Linux platform would describe my partition, D:\ under Windows 
would've described it.

Here's the issue:

When I "ls /dev" from the terminal, I get a zillion lines. I'm aware from reading a post 
or two Solaris works with "drive slices" but what in the world is a drive slice in 
relevance to my partition? I'm also aware that sda# that Linux would map no longer exist here but 
it's more like (e.g. /dev/dsk/c0d0p2) on Solaris.

Out of all these lines dumped from /dev, do you think you could help me pinpoint the 
drive if possible, so it could be mounted? And is mount used the same way if it is 
FAT32 (e.g. "mount -t vfat /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda5)? Thanks.

The easy way to view available disks (permanent) is to use the format command by itself, no options.

Example on my computer:

# /usr/sbin/format
Searching for disks...done

       0. c8t0d0 <DEFAULT cyl 15563 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
       1. c8t1d0 <ATA-OCZ-VERTEX-1.3-238.47GB>
       2. c8t2d0 <ATA-INTEL SSDSA2MH16-8820-149.05GB>
Specify disk (enter its number): ^C

As you can see I have three disks attached.

>From this link http://www.cuddletech.com/blog/pivot/entry.php?id=573 quoted:

"Storage devices are accessable in two forms: via a block device (the "normal" way, found in /dev/dsk/) and via raw devices (also called charrector devices, found in /dev/rdsk/). Because of Solaris's storage framework, all storage devices are accessed in the same way and are accessed as SCSI devices. On Linux, "hda1" means the first partition on the first IDE disk. On Solaris "c0t0d0s0" means controller 0, target 0, LUN 0, slice 0. On Solaris we call "paritions" slices, and typically slice 2 is used to represent the full disk, just as typically hda with no parition number typically represents the full disk on a Linux system."

The above quote would be for a solaris partition.

To mount a Solaris partition:

mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /mnt

To mount a FAT32 partition:

mount -F PCFS /dev/dsk/c0t0d0p1:c /mnt

Where, "p1" is partition 1, and "c" is the logical drive, see "man mount_pcfs" for more details.

For removable drives it's the same as above, but use the command "rmformat"

# /usr/bin/rmformat
Looking for devices...
     1. Logical Node: /dev/rdsk/c7t0d0p0
        Physical Node: /p...@0,0/pci8086,2...@1c,3/pci-...@0/i...@0/s...@0,0
        Connected Device: MATSHITA BD-MLT UJ-220S   1.01
        Device Type: DVD Reader/Writer
    Bus: IDE
    Size: <Unknown>
    Label: <Unknown>
    Access permissions: <Unknown>

Also, please note, do not use /dev/rdsk/ to mount any device, this points to the raw device (used for formating), use /dev/dsk, this points to the block device. So, for my example with rmformat, it shows the device to be /dev/rdsk/c7t0d0p0, but if I were to mount it manually I would use /dev/dsk/c7t0d0p0.

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