| On 2010-06-02 16:13:13, Andrew Greimann wrote:
| When I "ls /dev" from the terminal, I get a zillion lines. I'm aware from 
reading a post or two Solaris works with "drive slices" but what in the world 
is a drive slice in relevance to my partition? I'm also aware that sda# that 
Linux would map no longer exist here but it's more like (e.g. /dev/dsk/c0d0p2) 
on Solaris.
| Out of all these lines dumped from /dev, do you think you could help me 
pinpoint the drive if possible, so it could be mounted? And is mount used the 
same way if it is FAT32 (e.g. "mount -t vfat /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda5)? Thanks.

You want one of the following:

 format < /dev/null
 cfgadm -al
 iostat -En
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