Steve wrote:
> Greetings,
>    I've been reading a lot of the threads on here about the future of 
> opensolaris, and it seems that there *might* be a future, depending on whose 
> post you read. While I truly hope for that, I would like a definitive answer, 
> or at least one I could work off of in the future.
>   Right now, my organization would like to implement a long-term data storage 
> solution (particularly with the advantages of ZFS (dedup, snapshotting, ease 
> of management, etc).
>   Given the current circumstances with Oracle, and the lack of mostly 
> 'official' information, we've begun to reach the point where we might decide 
> to implement this service as a linux based solution, and leverage a linux 
> filesystem, especially since the hardware is coming very soon, and we need to 
> get working on it.

While trying not to sound too much like a salesman (since I'm not and this
isn't the right forum for it), it's too bad you already ordered the hardware,
since enterprise supported OpenSolaris-based storage servers is one area with
a very clear roadmap: the Sun Storage 7000 series storage appliances continue
to be enhanced with new features like ZFS dedup while maintaining a stable
release and enterprise support, along with administrative and analytics
enhancements above and beyond what's in the open/free versions of OpenSolaris.

        -Alan Coopersmith-
         Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System

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