
Therefore, the second question then (and it would greatly lighten any
OpenSolaris distros) is whether Fluxbox is supported on the platform over GNOME?

Probably the first step in getting Fluxbox integrated and supported into
OpenSolaris would be for someone to drive it through the ARC process.
It would also help if there were a reasonable strong OpenSolaris Fluxbox
community who could help to verify that it is well tested across the
wide range of OpenSolaris products (e.g. Sun Ray, Trusted, Zones, etc.).
Are there any interested volunteers in the OpenSolaris community?  I
suspect this sort of project will only have traction if so.

Note that changing the default desktop from CDE to GNOME took years,
and several ARC cases.  I would expect changing the default again would
be a lengthy and slow-going discussion. Probably makes sense to take things one-step-at-a-time and first get Fluxbox integrated before
discussing which should be the default.

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