> Looking through
> http://arc.opensolaris.org/caselog/PSARC/2010/ there
> appear to a large number of items which are being
> fast tracked. Is Oracle pushing for the next release
> of OpenSolaris to include more updates before release?

they may? I do hope a release comes out of this. but one thing that is for sure 
is, oracle is still silent and the last opensolaris stable release  is over 11 
months old, not even the lastest release of  solaris 10 is that old and the 
opensolaris  builds for the public stopped at 134. with the last stable release 
being over 11 months old and builds stopped at snv_build 134, if you ask me it 
seems more of a standstill,  then anything else. n unless opensolaris adopted 
debian's model that it's out when it's ready, but nothing has been said as of 
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