
After Brandon and some other mails, I perfomed some tests to check how to
deal with this upgrade to onnv_142.

Here is what happened:

Test scenario:
A machine running snv_133 receives onnv_142 bits.
After that, snv_134 is available, causing the user to upgrade to that bits.
- Check how to deal with onnv_142 when waiting for the new bits of future

Used materials:
- Local snv_134 repository mirror.
- Empty 1 uP, 2 GB RAM, 30 GB, x86 machine.
- snv_133 .iso distro.

Steps followed:
a) Fresh-installed snv_133 from genunix.org .iso image

b) Created new BE:
    1) beadm create new133
    2) beadm activate new133

c) Rebooted into "new133" BE.

d) ZPOOL version (zpool version -v) is 22, and ZFS volumes (zfs get version)
versions are 4. Mozilla Firefox version is 3.5.7, and Mozilla Thunderbird is

e) Copied on-nightly-142.i386.tar.bz2 and oun.sh to /opt.

f) Untar'ed, unbzip2'ed the archive into /export/repo:
    1) mkdir -p /export/repo
    2) cd /export/repo
    3) tar jxvf /opt/on-nightly-142.i386.tar.bz2
    4) chown -R root:staff ./on-nightly-142.i386

g) Started the local repository, and executed onu.sh:
    1) /usr/lib/pkg.depotd -d /export/repo/on-nightly-142.i386 -p 13000
    2) (In another terminal) /opt/onu.sh -Ot on-nightly-142.i364 -u

h) Rebooted into on-nightly-142.i386 BE. Interesting message: "NOTICE:
System detected 256 cpus, but only 1 cpu(s) were enabled during boot"... I
knew my machine was powerful and funny, but not *that* funny...

i) ZPOOL version is still 22, but ZFS still 4.
    1) Upgraded all pools with "zpool upgrade -a", and zfs's with "zfs
upgrade -a".
    2) After reboot, all zfs volumes are version 5, but @install, @new133,
and @on-nightly-142.i386.

j) When trying to reboot into snv_133, the machine reboots constantly.
Cannot boot into snv_133. It seems I need to continue using onnv_142, and no
snv_133 anymore.

k) With the new environment (onnv_142) I have Firefox 3.5.8, and Thunderbird

i') Previously, did the same from a) to h). No update was made to the pool.
The system can boot into snv_133.

j') Because preferred repo is /dev, there is an update available...to

k') I can boot snv_134 or onnv_142 now.

CONCLUSION: You can use onnv_142 if you avoid upgrading your ZPOOL and ZFS.
If you will not use:
 23  Slim ZIL
 24  System attributes
 25  Improved scrub stats
 26  Improved snapshot deletion performance

...then there is no need to upgrade them, having the capability to upgrade
to snv_135 in year 2018, or later (when available).

Best regards,


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:54 PM, dd pn <email.de...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So there is no direct way of updating this from 2009.06, you have to have
> b134 installed first?
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