> > I remember the death of commodore and the Amiga. I
> > was a avid user of the Amiga and hung on month
> after
> > month as promises were made but nothing ever came
> of
> > them. Open Solaris reminds me of that very painful
> > time and it is a shame. 
> > A simple explanation of why the delay is not too
> > much to ask! Why is the next release being
> delayed?
> >  
> > nyone from Oracle care to comment on this most
> simple
> > question? Before Oracle when there was a two week
> > delay in the next release the developers felt
> > compelled to explain what the delay is. Now the
> same
> > people don't want to say anything.
> > If development is not going to progress just shut
> > the whole thing down. Stop stringing us along and
> >  shut it down.
> Distinction: development progresses; OpenSolaris the
> _codebase_ has
> progressed considerably since the last release of
> OpenSolaris the _distro_.
> Unfortunately, with the codebase and distro having
> the same name, people
> tend to conclude that nothing is happening just
> because there's nothing new
> they can simply download and install.
> As to communication:
> Before Oracle, developers were encouraged to talk
> about anything
> that wasn't proprietary.
> Now, they're not supposed to talk about anything that
> might have
> any bearing on a future product without authorization
> from on high.
> I want the developers to keep their jobs...so they've
> got to play by the
> rules.
> But as to whoever didn't bother thinking enough to
> modify that
> policy for open-source development, their career I'd
> like to see meet
> a fate analogous to that of the life of the character
> "Morden" on B5.
> (and I'd wave too, if not quite in such a sissy way)
> So much FUD, and a little less silence would put it
> to rest!
> OTOH, the first half of the year isn't over for two
> (or three, counting days)
> more days yet.  Maybe they just don't feel obliged to
> repeat themselves
> often enough to kill the FUD.  We'll see...

Oracle webcast is on @10:00 PDT. If you haven't subscribed, do it now. The link 
I see is:


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