
You (Mike DeMarco) wrote:
> > > 3)svn_134 has still lots of bugs/issues (at least
> > in the GUI): NIC configuration is a pain; better go
> > via command line
> > 
> > That's one of the reasons, why OSOL 2010.X isn't out
> > yet... ;-)
> We have heard that bugs are getting fixed and thats why 2010.X is  not out 
> yet. What is getting fixed? What is the progress? Why can it not be published 
> that bug xxxx.xx has been fixed. Keep the silence up and the only one who 
> will be left is "Edward Ned Harvey" . A simple progress report would make a 
> world of difference. 
> Something like this published with a readme of what has been accomplished 
> once a week would be nice.
> OSOL 2010.x |*****|*****|*****|*****|**...|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|
> -- 
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
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> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org

Again, you're asking the wrong audience here... Even if I (or any Sun/Oracle
Employee) would know more, I wouldn't be allowed to tell anything...

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