Den 29-06-2010 16:09, Mike DeMarco skrev:
3)svn_134 has still lots of bugs/issues (at least
in the GUI): NIC configuration is a pain; better go
via command line

That's one of the reasons, why OSOL 2010.X isn't out
yet... ;-)
We have heard that bugs are getting fixed and thats why 2010.X is  not out yet. What is 
getting fixed? What is the progress? Why can it not be published that bug xxxx.xx has 
been fixed. Keep the silence up and the only one who will be left is "Edward Ned 
Harvey" . A simple progress report would make a world of difference.
Something like this published with a readme of what has been accomplished once 
a week would be nice.
OSOL 2010.x |*****|*****|*****|*****|**...|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|

I hate to contribute to the speculation, assumption, idealism, fear mongering, FUD spreading, and rabble rousing excitement these forums have enjoyed lately, but surely one more ignorant opinion coming from me won't hurt. ;-)

Solaris 10 is aging and, as has been said here many times, OpenSolaris is to be the Solaris Next in some shape, fashion, or form. Perhaps this delay may very well come from Oracle deciding that it is time, as part of a campaign to show how much they are serious about their investment in Solaris, for the release of Solaris 11.

Build 134, as we have seen it, is not ready so perhaps this long wait is to make it ready. We have seen many very fast changes in the dev releases of OpenSolaris, so I am sure they have accomplished a lot in this time. Maybe they are just tightening things up more so than we have seen in the previous releases because it is not going to be a typical OSOL release.

Heck, it could have even been part of the deal with Sun. Sun could have released Solaris 11 to help generate some fanfare and revenue in the tight times during the wait for EU approval, but they didn't. Maybe allowing Oracle to release Solaris 11 is the reason why.

Just a thought.  Feel free to ignore and light your flame throwers back up.

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