
You (Mike DeMarco) wrote:
> > 
> > Again, you're asking the wrong audience here... Even
> > if I (or any Sun/Oracle
> > Employee) would know more, I wouldn't be allowed to
> > tell anything...
> Understood. Seems no-one is able to answer the questions, This is what is 
> leading to the downfall of this development. Without feedback `everything 
> goes into runaway mode` Users need to give feedback on what works and what 
> does not work. Developers need to give feedback on how it works. Companies 
> need to give feedback on what they will support. 
> Oracle has broken the closed loop which WILL destroy this project 
> "OpenSolaris" Many developers have poured heart and soul into OpenSolaris and 
> they are being let down as much as the users.

I'm not sure, that Oracle has "broken" the loop, it seems, and we've been
pointing to that many times, that there are expectations out there, that are
currently not fulfilled, and it also seems, that there are some, who try to
conclude, that this is an indication of breaking up. We've tried many times to
re-assure the community as much as we can, and it seems, we've been successful
in many places. In some, we might not have been as successful.

We've also already discussed the term "support" a couple of times here
already, so I won't dive into that again. And, at least it's obvious, that
Solaris (and therefore also OpenSolaris) is a crucial part of Oracle's
software portfolio!

Technical feedback is, what this list (and many others on opensolaris.org) is
(are) all about, and, yes, the engineers working and reading here, do take
that feedback very serious. So, that loop is not broken.

Therefore, I do not see, that "this developement" is "led to a downfall".

Yes, there are some, who get nervous, and who do spread their nervousness
here. That's totally understandable! We all would also have loved to see OSOL
2010.H1 out already. Or even a message from someone up the chain providing
reassurance. Sadly, both things didn't happen (yet).

So, I'm not quite sure which "questions" you refer to. I only see one, over
and over again (perhaps in slight variations, and with slightly different
"tips" or "conclusions"):

When will OSOL 2010.H1 be out?

We've been trying to answer those questions by re-assuring and asking for
patience. Sadly, that's all, we can do. We also would love to be able to
answer these questions more precisely. We can't, as we don't know. It'll be
there, once it's there... We all can't predict the future, so, sadly, that's
all we can state...

> OK, so if this is the wrong place to air this, where is the correct place to 
> start a revolt against ORACLE and get OpenSolaris out of their hands and into 
> the hands of the people that actually care about it. I for one would be all 
> in on that kind of revolt.

I'm sure, you can understand, that I can't give you any type of advice on how
and where to start a revolt against Oracle... ;-) My only caveat being: I'm
not sure, a revolt is needed... ;-) (see my re-assurance above).

But: In case you start a revolt or a revolution, think about the
consequences. You most certainly would loose all access to Oracle and his
developers. And you would not gain much... That access-losing would be way
more desastrous then waiting a bit more. In the end, what's this fuss all
about currently? A binary distribution... Because: We're NOT talking about
access to OpenSolaris, as OpenSolaris is NOT "in the hands of Oracle", it's
already OpenSource. And Oracle is caring very much about it!

Yes, I know, waiting can be very tedious... Sadly, that's the best advice I
can give right here...

    Matthias Pfützner    | mailto:pfu...@germany | Wenn das Publikum keine
 @work: +49 6103 752-394 | @home: +49 6151 75717 | Fragen mehr stellen kann,
  SunCS, Ampèrestraße 6  | Lichtenbergstraße 73  | muß der Film zwangsläufig
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