> From: Joerg Schilling [mailto:joerg.schill...@fokus.fraunhofer.de]
> If netapp has a chance to win this case, then this can only happen in a
> non-cilized country. The "patents" netapp is claiming are just
> duplicates of
> prior art in my Dimploma thesis on a COW filesystem that I published in
> May 1991.
> Netapp definitely does not own new ideas for COW filesystems....
> so why care about this lawsuit?

I agree.  Why have a lawsuit against oracle for COW, when MS does it inside
of VSS, and no lawsuit agianst MS?  Not to mention, IMHO, patenting COW is
like patenting the number 3.  It's not an invention; it's a mathematical and
logical requirement to connect 2 and 4.  You want snapshots?  You must not
overwrite the old data.  But it's yet to be decided in court, and sometimes
courts do make decisions that I think are stupid.  (Suing McDonalds because
the coffee was hot.)

IMHO, I think Oracle benefits by keeping the lawsuit open.  It effectively
gives them commercial monopoly on ZFS, while other commercial companies
(like Apple) won't touch it.  The only non-oracle entities willing to
distribute ZFS right now are little things like FreeBSD, which have no
assets of interest to Netapp.

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