As I mentioned earlies, Solaris commercial is irrelevant.  And my read is that 
OpenSolaris the binary distribution is well on the way to becoming irrelevant, 
if not already so.  I think this may well be precisely what Oracle desires as 
it provides an exit from the sticky wicket Sun left them in w/having "open 
sourced" so much great technology that Oracle would like to capitalize on 
commercially, and having it available for free compromises maximization of 
those revenues.

So perhaps more productive focus of discussion might be the future of Open 
Solaris the community, as a real open source project.  And as I've stated 
elsewhere, imho, emancipation from Oracle is requisite for this to happen.  In 
absence of which both OpenSolaris the OS and Open Solaris the community will 
fade into irrelevance.

But I could be wrong.  Mayhaps Oracle has a REALLY, REALLY BIG SHOE planned for 
us once they get all their various assimilation acts together.  I'm pessimistic 
about this being the case, however, as it's been too long and would be 
incongruent with Oracles' track record.  Just ask anyone who's been on the 
receiving side of any of their previous  takeovers how things have worked out 
for them in the cost department.  Actions speak louder than words and it's hard 
to ignore the screaming....
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