On 07/24/10 11:09 AM, Martin Bochnig wrote:
2010/7/24 "C. Bergström"<codest...@osunix.org>:
Joerg Schilling wrote:
"C. Bergström"<codest...@osunix.org>  wrote:

Did you pull the libc work from Garrett and drop that on there?

No, I just created a halfway clean base for starting with the emancipation

Which compiler did you use to build onnv-gate?


That's not a compiler version. I know gcc doesn't boot, but ping me off list
or on irc if you'd like to help test a compiler to replace SS

That´s a vague statement.
Last time I did this gcc compiled 64bit kernels did boot (sun4u, sun4v, amd64).
The 32bit x86 kernel alone was unbootable (and who wants that
nowadays, except maybe for embedded use).

Some people like me want it, because of a lot of notebooks, and netbooks too.
I'm running snv_134 in two 32 bits machines, and one 64 bits one!
Don't forget us!
Thanks, and best regards,


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