
I'm the guy that created StormOS and apart from a friend of mine that does
the graphics it's a one man show.  All ~2000 packages in the repository were
put there by myself.

The ISO's on the site are _very_ out of date since I decided that my effort
would be best spent fixing the underlying system (Nexenta Core Platform)
instead of trying to release more ISOs that would look nice but be broken
(and very old) underneath.  Once the repo is complete enough to debootstrap
from I'll push out a new ISO which will essentially be a Debian Sid based
GNU/OpenSolaris OS.  From there we can bring over the nicer things like
GNOME, etc.

If you want to use the repo as it stands you should use it with NCP3.  Don't
forget to use apt-clone to install packages so you can roll-back if
something breaks.  There is not much in there for the average user right now
but there is a boat load of libraries and packages that you'll need to build
Debian Sid packages.


On 23 August 2010 08:25, Euan Thoms <e...@potensol.com> wrote:

> > I downloaded it out of curiosity.  Looks like it's
> > based on 2008.11 or close?!  uname -a contains the
> > string "NexentaOS_20081207".  The included FF is
> > 3.0.5.  The forum posts indicate this is a one man
> > show.  Upon boot of the live CD, it complains about
> > Gnome not being installed properly, and I ran gimp
> > (which took forever to load) and it's over two years
> > old.
> >
> > All that together doesn't inspire me to put my eggs
> > in this basket (yet).  Have to see where it goes.
> The iso you downloaded is quite out of date. It is a rolling release now,
> so not a regular distro upgrade like OpenSolaris or Ubuntu. I believe the
> repo is going to be based on debian sid now, so it will be quite bleeding
> edge for Solaris, that part sounds great. Access to latest debian packages,
> yeehaa! I'm not sure about Xfce though, would have preferred KDE or Gnome
> myself.
> The problem is though, at the moment the latest StormOS iso is old and to
> update it you have to change the repository to the new one "hail" instead of
> "hardy-hail" as it's no longer based off hardy packages. The problem is,
> it's built on NCP 2, and updating to NCP 3 fails. Basically, unless I'm
> wrong (if so please tell me) we can't yet try out the latest StormsOS
> because the upgrade path is broken. Once StormOS have released a new iso
> based off NCP 3 with the latest repo + base packages, then we can give it a
> go. Hopefully it won't be long, I'm itching to try it out, not much else to
> do while we wait for illumos.
> --
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