You're using an article 7 to 8 years old to base your conjecture?  Why would 
they spend millions developing AIX if it was being killed?

You also fail to realize transportation, finance, insurance, banking, retail, 
defense, and all sectors of the economy run AIX.  They have no intention of 
running their operations deemed critical to cheap x86 hardware running Linux.

POWER is the first chip to have decimal floating point on-chip!  

There is something to be said for developing your operating system to run on 
your hardware (AIX and POWER).  That way you can expoit RAS.  This isn't 
possible with x86 and Linux.  I have seen so many Linux servers crash with no 
explanation why.  Clusters that are unstable.  

AIX is stable.  That is what many companies want, so they continue to buy a 
solid architecture.

But whatever, kebabble.
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