Am 15.09.2010 08:55, schrieb Gary:
On 9/14/10, Orvar Korvar wrote:

I think OpenSolaris community is not really interested in umpteen different
distros, as Linux has. Only one distro is acceptable to most people. I
believe. But of course, people are free to disagree. :o)

I think you're preaching to the choir here. Oracle has restricted the
development model of Solaris to only allowing the public source access
at the end of developmental iterative cycles -- not during as before
(aka "open" Solaris). So hoping for a "pure" OpenSolaris distribution
is wishful thinking but something you'll have to take up with Larry
Ellison at this point as there's not likely anyone else you could
convince to make the appropriate decision to change things back to the
way things were. In the mean time, your only recourse for maintaining
your "purity of essence" is to stick with Oracle Solaris 10 and,
eventually, 11 ( and
WTF? There can't be "one" distro from Illumos because Oracle shut down Opensolaris? What kind of broken logic is this?

As for your concerns about fragmentation, this has been brought up
several times in the past if you look through mailing list archives
here and elsewhere but  perhaps it would helpful for someone to post a
FAQ to the Illumos, OpenIndiana, and SchilliX wikis that clearly
outlines the differences between the projects. Or maybe just fleshing
this out a bit more might help:
NO! It will NOT "help". The only thing that could help is developers to grow up and recognize the benefits of a unified platform. After 30 years of Microsoft they should have learned a few things after all.


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