On 16 Sep 2010, at 14:04, Ashish Nabira wrote:

> Lets add those important packages to repositories and make OpenIndiana 
> popular to newbies....That's one good way to make it popular .

Anyone who wanted to was always free to contribute such packages to 
OpenSolaris, via spec-files-extra and later, Source Juicer.  Not many people 
ever did, and of those, not everyone subsequently kept them up to date.  If 
OpenIndiana can find the people to port and maintain a large package library 
that Sun/Oracle never could, then fair play to them!


CALUM BENSON, Interaction Designer     Oracle Corporation Ireland Ltd.
mailto:calum.ben...@oracle.com         Solaris Desktop Team
http://blogs.sun.com/calum             +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Oracle Corp.

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