Hello Guys!

This is my first post!  :)  I am working on building a home ZFS NAS and I have 
selected OpenSolaris b134 because I would very much like to make use of dedup.  
(I have a lot of VMWare images! :P)  Because this is a server it's going to be 
sitting in my basement in a corner just hanging out and doing its server thing 
and to that end I would like to run headless, thus my wish to get VNC server 
running.  :)

So I have been poking around with Google looking for how to set up VNC server 
on OpenSolaris and I have found a few links, but none of them seem to work.   
Most of them seem to call for SUNWxvnc which is not installed, by default 
anyway, though xvnc is.  I have tried to follow some of these guides anyway but 
without success.

Here are some of the links I've tried:


I'm not really looking for anything fancy.  I would just like to be able to 
login with a username and password.  Now if it happen to work a little more 
like terminal service than a console, so much the better, but just having 
access would be nice.

So if anyone could lend a hand and provide some good step by step advice I 
would greatly appreciate it.
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