I think may be more usefull add all you asked in the jira opened about
multiattachments double worn :)

Sent by iPhone

Il giorno 27/ago/2010, alle ore 00:50, Brian McGroarty <s...@lindenlab.com>
ha scritto:

There were some fixes in 1.42 that dealt with a related MultipleAttachments
issue, and should have addressed the more general case.

If anyone encounters this while logging in with an account where you've
crashed or logged out today or later, would you please follow up with me in
direct email? If you include the time and location at which you logged in,
as well as what the item names were, and which attachment point they were
on, it will help tremendously. Also, let me know if you flipped between 2.x
and 1.x viewers in those sessions - anything out of the ordinary could be

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 2:37 PM, Marine Kelley <marinekel...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'd like to chime in and say that this happens to me often as well.
> Attachments are worn twice on relog, approx. once a day. Since the
> attachments I'm wearing usually say things with llOwnerSay and I see them
> say their messages twice, I do know this is not only a viewer-side problem.
> I have never observed this with 1.23, only with 2.1.
> Soft is aware of this issue, and confirmed seeing the double-rezzing in the
> logs of my sim at the time I indicated.
> On 26 August 2010 22:30, Altair Sythos <syt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, 26 Aug 2010 16:24:08 -0400
>> Nyx Linden <n...@lindenlab.com> wrote:
>> > Let me know if this clarifies things.
>> yeahhhhh
>> i'm on Second Life 2.1.2 (208569) Aug 26 2010 05:22:24 (Second Life
>> Development) now, it work as you said, just noticed something weird and
>> tryiong to reproduce:
>> if i crash when relog all attachments are weared double time, like the
>> dirty logoff don't detach items.
>> I dunno how logoff/login work, i *SUPPOSE* debug warn during logoff
>> "acvatar destructor" take "current outfit" and store somewhere on
>> asset, during login last saved "current outfit" is worn.
>> maybe is better if saved "current outfit" replace what worn during
>> login, so if crashed nothing boudle is worn...
>> somebody who know better and deeper the code can hint me about?
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Brian McGroarty | Linden Lab
Sent from my Newton MP2100 via acoustic coupler
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