And to add to the tale: shows how to
set up a new project for the sole purpose of debugging an existing .app
without XCode trying to "helpfully" recompile the code every time you want
to run the thing.

Just make sure to uncheck "Allow debugging when using document Versions
Browser" in Product-->Edit Scheme .. -->Run
otherwise  --NSDocumentRevisionsDebugMode YES gets passed to the
executable, which causes the viewer to freak out parsing the options.

After that, just add the source files to the project and execute.  Of
course, if you want to compile a change it's off to the commandline, but
for me that's OK.  Maybe at some point I'll figure out how to have XCode
call the command from a button.  Then again, I might not.

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 5:00 AM, Nicky Perian <> wrote:

> To complete the record for other that are in the baby step phase:
>   On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 12:13 AM, Ricky <> wrote:
> I attach the XCode GUI debugger to the running process, FireStorm in my
> case, compiling with RelWithDebInfo*.
> Worked for my task, YMMV.
> Ricky / Cron Stardust
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Nicky Perian <>wrote:
>  I didn't knew that it couldn't be done that way. I have an issue in Kokua
> that I wanted to set a trace point and determine from wince a method was
> being called.
> That is simple to set up on Windows using VS2010. I was hoping to the same
> in xcode.
>    On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 5:47 PM, Nicky Perian <
>> wrote:
>  quicktime/Debug/libmedia_plugin_quicktime.dylib
> ld: library not found for -lexception_handler
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> Command
> /Applications/
> failed with exit code 1
> the viewer complies using autobuild build.
> If I use xcode gui several of the plugins have ld: library not found for
> -lexception_handler error.
> What causes the gui to fail when command line compile doesn't?
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