A few things I noticed right off: 
None of the "right click and run as administrator" is needed; when the 
installer needs admin rights to install, it will prompt to do so.
DX SDK 2010 is not used if you are using the windows 8 SDK or higher (DX SDK is 
integrated into windows SDK 8.0 and higher); both VS community and VS 2013 
ultimate install Windows SDK 8.1 and therefore will use the DX there.
The linked update for Visual studio 2013 points to update 5 CTP; this is a 
preview and should not be used for production environment.  It should point to: 
 which will list the latest stable update.
A note to run Microsoft Update with the option of installing updates for other 
Microsoft products should be included in the last step of installing VS 2013.  
This will update all the installed applications from VS 2013 like SQL server 
and VS itself.
I will probably have other recommendations after trying the wiki out on a fresh 
system that hasn't been tainted with the 2010 build process.

Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 10:53:11 -0500
From: o...@lindenlab.com
To: opensource-dev@lists.secondlife.com
Subject: Re: [opensource-dev] Viewer Tools Upgrades - with a call for help

    On 2014-12-23 18:17 , Oz Linden (Scott
      Lawrence) wrote:


      As some of you are certainly aware, the Linden viewer devs have
      been busy for the last several weeks updating our tools for
      building viewers. The tools changes include:

        Windows building with Visual Studio 2013

        Mac building on OSX 10.10 with Xcode 6.1
        Linux building with gcc 4.6
        All platforms using Autobuild

      The canonical repository for this is 
      , and the various packages each have a lindenlab/3p-update-name
      repository (those will be pulled to the 3p-name repos when
      the viewer that uses them is promoted to viewer-release).


    Just a quick update... we are now into the QA phase with this, and
    there is a
      Project Viewer available on the Alternate Viewers page (there
    is a known issue with the Windows installer that I believe affects
    anyone that does not have developer tools installed... a fix should
    be out very shortly).


    We've also put up a new page of instructions on how
      to set up a Windows development environment.  Suggestions for
    improvement are most welcome here and on the Talk page... we're
    trying to keep it as simple as possible while being sufficient to
    build a clean checkout of the viewer.



        Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence) | Engineering Director,
          Second Life

        Email or
          Hangouts o...@lindenlab.com | Second Life Oz Linden

        Linden Lab | Makers of
            Shared Creative Spaces

        Check out what we're working

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