> That should teach me to put in new code...  It seems like the include
> files that come with VC6 do not have LMSTR.  Instead, the type name is
> LPTSTR, and the strings should *not* be preceded by a L.

Ah, I see.  Microsoft changed the header between VC6 and the platform
SDK.  The MSDN docs describe it as LPWSTR because these functions are
only supported on NT/2000 and only in Unicode forms.  Therefore, the
'L' is always required to declare the string constant as Unicode.
NET_API_STATUS NetStatisticsGet(
  LPWSTR server,  
  LPWSTR service, 
  DWORD level,    
  DWORD options, 
  LPBYTE *bufptr  


[in] Pointer to a Unicode string that specifies the name of the server
on which to execute NetStatisticsGet. The string must begin with
\\. If this parameter is NULL, the local computer is used. 

[in] Pointer to a Unicode string that specifies the name of the
service about which to get the statistics. Only the values
SERVICE_SERVER and SERVICE_WORKSTATION are currently allowed. 

> So, until further notice, I'll simply put an #if 0..#endif around the
> netstatget code, since different environments apparently have
> different needs.  "Until further notice" means "until after the
> release".

You should probably expand this to include the RegQueryValueEx() call
as well.  Querying the performance data appears to be causing an
exception deep within ADVAPI32.DLL at random times.  I'm filing a
problem report with Microsoft.

                  Jeffrey Altman * Sr.Software Designer
                 The Kermit Project * Columbia University
               612 West 115th St * New York, NY * 10025 * USA
     http://www.kermit-project.org/ * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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