> Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 01:34:40 +0100 (MET)
> Subject: Re: Random seed and possible blocking of /dev/random
> From: Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> However, if we so choose, would it be really bad to simply create a
> /var/run if not present when installing prngd?  Another variant would
> be to have it configured in some "standard" file, perhaps
> /etc/egd.conf or /etc/prngd.conf?
> Personally, I still see nothing wrong with having that socket name in
> /etc/...

Methinks there are two separate questions floating around here...

  1) what should the _client_ code assume/look for/do in an attempt to
     auto-magically locate  a (possibly pseudo-)hardware RNG,
  2) what should a specific "random number server" with regard to 'announcing'
     itself -- so as to make it easy for potential clients to locate it.

I will merely note that these issues are not symmetric.

Addressing how the 'server' side shoud do things....

For some of my 'semi-weird' environments, I like the idea of having:
  a) the actual place/type of the socket specified as a start-up option to
     the server daemon.  
  b) the -specification- of that socket saved (as text, preferably) in a 
     'well known' place.

With this arrangement, one can put the socket "wherever is appropriate"
to ones needs -- including, for example, in a sub-directory that only
a limited set of users have "can use in a path" access to.  However, 
regardless of where the socet really is,  any application does know 
'where to look' to find the location.

There is a great deal to be said in favor of 'indirect' access like this.
Particularly because a system manager can re-organize things (i.e. "move
'em somewhere else"), and update the 'pointer'; whereupon things _continue_
to work, with NO CHANGES required to user-level applications.

In fact, the 'random number server' and the client don't even have to be on
the same machine, in this set-up.  The 'specification' of the RNG could
be a 'filename' describing a local 'named socket', or it could be a
host:protocol:port  triple, describing a *remote* random number source

Comment: I'm lazy, _professionally_.  I *LIKE* things that do -not- make for
extra work for me down-the-road.  

My other recent pontification dissected the question of 'client' side 
behavior, no need to belabor that again, in any detail.  Something like
the way DNS _client_ (i.e. 'resolver' library) code decides: what to look
for, where, and in what order -- a nice -flexible-, and extensible, model, 
would seem to have a lot to recommend it.

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