here a resume some points last april that I found while trying to compile
the library. 

- The basic approach is to compile the whole stuff with the /Gz option
  in order not to modify the 3000 exported function prototypes.

- All main routines need a  __cdecl main 
  The #define for MAIN, all the *test.c modules, and openssl.c

- The pwd_read routine needs some __cdecl in the declaration of
  signal and a pointer array. 

- in apps/s_socket.c one call to signal needs an addition of __decl
  for socket_cleanup 

- mem.c  needed some treatment with Malloc, Free, Realloc 
  The macro CRYPTO_malloc_init needs some fix, easiest way was
  to call with all parms NULL and tests that in mem.c 
  Goal: allow __stdcall type functions to be passed.

- There are 5 modules that call qsort and 2 that call bsearch.
  Instead of finding all the routines that call them, I copied qsort
  and bsearch into the source from mfc and made them "__stdcall friendly".

  It seems possible to me to aviod that and replace all the _cmp
  functions of stack and set comparisions by __cdecl routines, it
  seems that are not suppoed to be called by applications anyway. 

- The asm routines :
  all declarations either need a __cdecl or the asm routines to be
  modified. With the first option some routines are not callable
  from VB, so be it for the moment. 

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