Hello Lutz,

 On Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 8:37:36 PM +0100, Lutz Jaenicke via RT wrote:

> [jaenicke - Fri Nov 15 22:52:05 2002]:
>> The test_req script actually performs a
>> ../apps/openssl req -config ../apps/openssl.cnf testreq.pem \
>> -inform p -outform d >f.d
>> Can you run this manually?

    It fails with "unknown option testreq.pem" message. But if I replace
argument "testreq.pem" by an input redirection "< testreq.pem" it
succeeds with a 326 bytes binary output f.d file. It succeeds today, but
was perhaps failing before: Situation has changed.

> Any updates?

    Well, I'm sorry, don't know why: "make test" works now. With all
versions previously failing: 0.9.6d, e and g. And the exact same build
commands as before. So it obviously was something broken on my system...
The only important change I made was cleanly installing a working 0.9.6c
some weeks ago. Appart of that, I didn't add nor upgrade anything in
build tools (gcc, make and friends), nor any system libraries (well no:
I upgraded libiconv 1.8, Ncurses 5.3, and libbz2 1.0.2).

    Note that with this install of 0.9.6c I successfully experimented
playing with CA.pl to create a CA then a server certificate. This was
failing before, with test failing 0.9.6d, with errors I didn't note (I
thought I'd make later a complete report but lacked time), unless I
removed nearly everything from openssl.cnf as nsComment,
subjectKeyIdentifier, authorityKeyIdentifier, basicConstraints,
keyUsage, etc... From my poor memory, errors were something as "unknown
object type". Today it's working, with test succeeding 0.9.6d.

    I wanted to test with 0.9.6e/g, but if they now pass "make" and
"make test", they fail "make install" (?!?) while installing manpages:

 - with 0.9.6e:

    [snip many same errors]
installing man1/verify.1
/usr/bin/pod2man: Invalid man page - 1st pod line is not NAME in pod2mantest.pod
/usr/bin/pod2man: Invalid man page - 1st pod line is not NAME in verify.pod
installing man1/version.1
/usr/bin/pod2man: Invalid man page - 1st pod line is not NAME in pod2mantest.pod
/usr/bin/pod2man: Invalid man page - 1st pod line is not NAME in version.pod
installing man1/x509.1
/usr/bin/pod2man: Invalid man page - 1st pod line is not NAME in pod2mantest.pod
/usr/bin/pod2man: Invalid man page - 1st pod line is not NAME in x509.pod
make: *** [install_docs] Error 29

 - with 0.9.6g:

    [snip many same errors]
installing man3/SSL_state_string.3
/usr/bin/pod2man: Invalid man page - 1st pod line is not NAME in SSL_state_string.pod
installing man3/SSL_want.3
/usr/bin/pod2man: Invalid man page - 1st pod line is not NAME in SSL_want.pod
installing man3/SSL_write.3
/usr/bin/pod2man: Invalid man page - 1st pod line is not NAME in SSL_write.pod
make: *** [install_docs] Error 29

    In both cases, I end without openssl installed.


 - 0.9.6c always tested and installed OK.
 - before 0.9.6d/e/g tested BAD.
 - now 0.9.6d tests and installs OK.
 - now 0.9.6e/g test OK but install BAD.

    So I now upgraded my system to 0.9.6d, the latest working version.

Hope this makes sense... Thanks again, bye!     Alain.

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