At 02:14 AM 1/9/2003 +0100, you wrote:

>[[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Wed Jan  8 22:09:03 2003]:
> > <html>
> > <body>
>Please don't post using HTML...

Sorry, I did not know that I had.  Wasn't this post from the tracker on the 
OpenSSL site?  If not, it must be some setting I have accidentally on in 
Eudora or something I copied and pasted without knowing it was in 
HTML.  Again, my apologies.  (If it is Eudora, then this should also have 
the same problem ;P).  I think it is the styled signature from Eudora..will 
fix if so.

> > Version 0.9.7 release version from Dec 31, 2002
> > Compiled using MSVC6 sp6 with Masm
>Where is SP6 for MSVC6? I can only see SP5 on MS site... is SP5.

> > OS: Windows XP Home<br><br>
> > When PEM_read_X509 is called in certain circumstances you get an
> > unhandled exception. I thought it was universal, but I found a test
> > case
> > in the &quot;how to reproduce&quot; below that did not crash.&nbsp;
> > NOTE:
> > The same bug may be the cause of the segmentation fault bugs listed
> > (408
> > and 430) when trying to use openssl to convert PEM certificates on
> > Unix.<br><br>
> > This bug has been posted by several people on the
> > mailing.openssl.users
> > list, but I have not seen a reply, nor did I see it listed in the
> > tracker's current bug list.<br><br>
> > It is easy to replicate using the tunala demo.&nbsp; Run the first
> > example using the input parameters:<br>
> > <font face="Courier New, Courier"><x-
> > tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</x-tab>./tunala
> > -listen localhost:8080 -proxy localhost:8081 -cacert CA.pem -cert
> > A-client.pem -out_totals -v_peer -v_strict<br><br>
> > </font>However, if you remove the &quot;-cert A-client.pem&quot; and
> > leave the &quot;-cacert CA.pem&quot; it does not crash.<br><br>
> > <x-sigsep><p></x-sigsep>
> > Michael Hunley<br>
> > Senior Engineer<br>
> > PocketPurchase, Inc. </body>
> > </html>
> >
>The issue of various things crashing under Win32 is raised quite often.
>In almost all cases its the multithreaded DLL runtime issue (see FAQ).

No, all code was compiled with multi-threaded DLL in the code generation 
tab.  If that is incorrect I get a much earlier crash.

>Assuming that isn't the case I've also just been tracing the cause of a
>problem with VC++ SP4 with the processor pack.
>It was giving incorrect results for 192 and 256 bit AES and different
>results entirely with the same keys and the 'enc' command line program.
>Whereas on XP home on my setup VC++ 6.0 with SP3 is fine. I haven't been
>able to check out SP5 or the processor pack myself but it looks like
>some kind of compiler bug.

Quite likely...MSVC is known to have quite a few.  I haven't delved into 
the build settings for the libs yet, what kind of optimizations are turned on?



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