[[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Wed Jan 15 18:02:51 2003]:

> > If you just can't figure out
> Just to clarify. The posted patch is not so to say "try-your-luck"
> thing, it *does* get me through the ms\test.


me too


The PEM crash mentioned by the OP though I'm not sure how to reproduce:

>It is easy to replicate using the tunala demo.  Run the first example
>using the input parameters:
>        ./tunala -listen localhost:8080 -proxy localhost:8081 -cacert
>CA.pem -cert A-client.pem -out_totals -v_peer -v_strict

>However, if you remove the "-cert A-client.pem" and leave the "-cacert
>CA.pem" it does not crash.

what did you do to get tunala to compile under Win32?

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