In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 18:49:53 +0530, Pradosh 
Adoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

pradosh.adoni> though it has been fairly established that the
pradosh.adoni> resulting ABI will in all probabilty break in
pradosh.adoni> forthcoming (major) versions, It would be good to know
pradosh.adoni> if there exists some sort of timeline or roadmap on
pradosh.adoni> when these issues will be addressed.

There is no timeline.  You can't really expect one from a volunteer-
driven project, as it hugely depends on the spare time of the
controling participants.

pradosh.adoni> for eg. Of the current list of interfaces which ones
pradosh.adoni> are most definitely going to be deprecated in future
pradosh.adoni> versions ?

For the longest time, we have recommended to use the EVP interface
rather than lower level crypto functions.  However, not even the EVP
interface has been safe from incompatible changes, BUT those changes
have been comparatively few.

pradosh.adoni> There was also discussion (but no definite commitment)
pradosh.adoni> of hiding data structures in future versions, Is this
pradosh.adoni> still a possibilty ? . Does it make sense to include
pradosh.adoni> these structures in the LSB if they are going to be
pradosh.adoni> addressed in the future ?

I've done such an attempt once, and it really opened a can of worms.
I don't quite remember what structure I tried to hide, and that's not
really important.  The important thing to realise is that while it's
certainly possible to do, given enough time and resources, it's a HUGE
project to take on.

It's quite possible that it can be done in smaller increments.
Unfortunately, there's always the risk that structure references are
more deeply tangled than one might think, so something that looks
small to begin with have a real possibility to open a can of worms and
turn out to be a HUGE thing.

I've thought for a long time that what's really needed is a rewrite
that keeps the strong points of OpenSSL while doing the rest better.
I started tinkering on something like that a while ago, and have come
a part of the way.  I was actually going to finish up the first part
enough to be able to present it, but have been held up by work.  It
has the blessing of the rest of the OpenSSL team.  Take a look at for a quick briefing.

Keep in mind that I haven't updated those pages in a while (a year?),
so some details are outdated or incomplete.


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Richard Levitte                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including
 the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
                                                -- C.S. Lewis
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