On Thu, Feb 16, 2006, Kyle Hamilton wrote:

> Hi, I just figured I'd write something up for your perusal,
> modification, and possible inclusion into the HOWTO list.  I'm
> attaching it as a file; if it doesn't come through, please let me
> know, and I'll resend it in a message body.

We will be giving full details about the use of FIPS mode in due course.

At present some details are being finalized so we can't give definitive
answers about the precise procedure which must be followed.

Currently, for example, ONE specific version of OpenSSL would be needed to
build fiscanister.o and is is NOT "0.9.7j or later".

Since communication between us and the labs is confidential we can't comment
on that.

Dr Stephen N. Henson. Email, S/MIME and PGP keys: see homepage
OpenSSL project core developer and freelance consultant.
Funding needed! Details on homepage.
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