> Well that didnt fly either. Has anybody built an
> openssl app using VS2005 and ported it to a XP machine
> that does not have openssl installed? If they be so
> kind and shed some light onto this dark area that
> would be appreciated because I thought this would be
> easy which it is providing you do complete install of
> openssl. 
> If you try to build the static libs all is OK except
> you will get conflicts with VS2005 and there comes the
> problem of using the /MD in the code generation which
> I'm led to believe from the FAQ I have to do.
> The instructions do not seem to be clear when building
> for VS2005.

I'm not sure why you think this is a VS2005 issue. We've
been deploying apps which depend on the OpenSSL libraries
built with VS2005 for the last year or so (prior to that,
we used VS2003).  There's really not much to it.  Make
sure you copy these files:
to the _same_ directory as your application runs from, I
wouldn't recommend trying to put them in your system

That is the primary search path for all DLLs on windows
and is strongly recommended that you deploy OpenSSL
in that manner to prevent conflicts with other applications
which may link to other versions of openssl.
Yes, those manifest files are something new with VS2005.
Also make sure you deploy the manifest files for your
MSVC runtime, along with MFC or whatever else you may
be using.  What error are you seeing that make you think
this would be anything related to OpenSSL to begin with?

Please use the openssl-users list for this kind of stuff
though.  This has nothing to do with openssl-dev ...

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Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
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