Well my hybrid threaded app now seems to be stable - even under extreme

Here is what I did for others to refer:

Comments *most* welcome.

These steps allow me to link both builds of my program with the same
OpenSSL build. I.e. both the fork() and pthread_create() builds of my

         1. Use my own BIO object (BIO_new) so that OpenSSL does not use
socket ops
                - allows me to use the library asyncronously and avoids
errno+threading issues.
         2. Use my own RAND object (RAND_set_rand_method) so that OpenSSL
                 not try lock static globals.
         3. Use my own EXDATA object
(CRYPTO_set_ex_data_implementation(my_impl)) - this
                 is a problem because the st_CRYPTO_EX_DATA_IMPL object is
not declared
                 in the header - you have to copy and paste it from the
OpenSSL source.
                 My EXDATA object is a dummy opject - it does nothing and
                 when you try do a dup. I'm not using ex_data in my app -
and quite honestly
                 I'm not really sure what it's for.
         4. Disable all OpenSSL caching of sessions -
                  SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_AUTO_CLEAR)) use the callbacks (
                  SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb etc.) and handle session caching
                  session expiry myself.
         5. Declare only one SSL_CTX context per thread.
         6. Build OpenSSL with no-threads and -DOPENSSL_NO_LOCKING
Am I doing anything completely insane here?


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