>>> I can provide a staticly linked version of s_client with debug
>>> symbols if you think that's useful.  But I would still need
>>> to know what to ask.
>> I can't really think of anything specific to ask either. As suggested 
>> first step would be to try to reproduce with statically linked openssl 
>> binary. As for additional information ask for output from 'env' command 
>> (to see LD_* variables), ask for openssl.cnf file, lsof -p <failing 
>> s_clients' pid> right after start. As for debugging, it's more than 
>> likely simpler to print variables and buffers in e_aes_cbc_hmac_sha1.c, 
>> but let's do above, then think further...
> You can find Benjamin Eikel's information at:
> http://bugs.debian.org/702635#50
> This seems to be the only one who can reproduce it with s_client
> so far.

How do I reply directly to bugs.debian.org? At this point it's lesser
point to relay whole thing through openssl list.

Actually my intention was to test if the problem can be reproduced with
*same binary*. That's why I suggested that you, Kurt, compile one and
hand it to user. Other way around would also work, i.e. user hands over
the binary. This is because I don't exclude possibility for compiler bug...

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