2nd attempt. First sent on Feb 7th.

I get a failure for 1.0.2 running make test on Solaris 10.

It might be related to #3688, but I don't think so.

Mine is a sun4u machine, so neither T2 nor T4.
Compilation done with gcc 4.9.1 with v9 target.

Failure is a bus error in evp_test.

gdb shows the following details:

(gdb) bt full
#0  CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt (ctx=0x6cbd0, inp=0xffbfd091 
     out=0xffbfdfe8 "...", len=32) at ccm128.c:300
         temp = <optimized out>
         n = 32
         i = <optimized out>
         L = 1
         flags0 = 121 'y'
         block = 0xff1ee3c0 <AES_encrypt>
         key = 0x6cac0
         scratch = {u = {14547399086359111669, 7716584104704463675}, c = 
#1  0xff26d774 in aes_ccm_cipher (ctx=0xffbfcf5c, out=0xffbfdfe8 "...",
     in=0xffbfd091 "...", len=32) at e_aes.c:1893
         rv = -1
         cctx = 0x6cac0
         ccm = 0x6cbd0
#2  0xff267f6c in EVP_DecryptUpdate (ctx=ctx@entry=0xffbfcf5c, 
out=out@entry=0xffbfdfe8 "...", outl=outl@entry=0xffbfcf40,
     in=in@entry=0xffbfd091 "...", inl=inl@entry=32) at evp_enc.c:437
         fix_len = <optimized out>
         b = <optimized out>
#3  0x0001301c in test1 (encdec=<optimized out>, tn=16, tag=<optimized 
out>, an=<optimized out>, aad=<optimized out>, cn=32,
     ciphertext=0xffbfd091 "...", pn=32,
     plaintext=0xffbfd050 "...", in=<optimized out>,
     iv=0xffbfd035 "...", kn=<optimized out>, key=<optimized out>, 
c=0xff342150) at evp_test.c:346
         ctx = {cipher = 0xff342150, engine = 0x0, encrypt = 0, buf_len 
= 0, oiv = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, iv = "...",
           buf = "...", '\000' <repeats 15 times>, num = 0, app_data = 
0x0, key_len = 32, flags = 257, cipher_data = 0x6cac0, final_used = 0,
           block_mask = 0, final = '\000' <repeats 31 times>}
         outl = 32
         out = "..."...
         outl2 = 0
         mode = <optimized out>
#4  test_cipher (encdec=<optimized out>, tn=16, tag=<optimized out>, 
an=<optimized out>, aad=<optimized out>, cn=32,
     ciphertext=0xffbfd091 "...", pn=32,
     plaintext=0xffbfd050 "...", in=<optimized out>,
     iv=0xffbfd035 "...", kn=<optimized out>, key=<optimized out>, 
cipher=<optimized out>) at evp_test.c:390
         c = 0x13920
#5  main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at evp_test.c:546
         line = "aes-256-ccm..."...
         encdec = <optimized out>
         tag = <optimized out>
         an = <optimized out>
         tn = 16
         p = <optimized out>
         aad = <optimized out>
         szTestFile = <optimized out>
         f = <optimized out>

Funny is, that a bus error on Sparc often is due to an alignment 
problem, and line 300 where it crashes is:

    289      while (len >= 16) {
    290  #if defined(STRICT_ALIGNMENT)
    291          union {
    292              u64 u[2];
    293              u8 c[16];
    294          } temp;
    295  #endif
    296          (*block) (ctx->nonce.c, scratch.c, key);
    297          ctr64_inc(ctx->nonce.c);
    298  #if defined(STRICT_ALIGNMENT)
    299          memcpy(temp.c, inp, 16);
    300          ctx->cmac.u[0] ^= (scratch.u[0] ^= temp.u[0]);
    301          ctx->cmac.u[1] ^= (scratch.u[1] ^= temp.u[1]);
    302          memcpy(out, scratch.c, 16);
    303  #else
    304          ctx->cmac.u[0] ^= (((u64 *)out)[0] = scratch.u[0] ^ 
((u64 *)inp)[0]);
    305          ctx->cmac.u[1] ^= (((u64 *)out)[1] = scratch.u[1] ^ 
((u64 *)inp)[1]);
    306  #endif
    307          (*block) (ctx->cmac.c, ctx->cmac.c, key);
    309          inp += 16;
    310          out += 16;
    311          len -= 16;
    312      }

so inside a "STRICT_ALIGNMENT" block ...

Now ctx->cmac.u[0] and scratch.u[0] seem to be aligned correct to me:

(gdb) print &ctx->cmac.u[0]
$10 = (u64 *) 0x6cbe0
(gdb) print &scratch.u[0]
$12 = (u64 *) 0xffbfcdd0

but temp is not available in gdb:

(gdb) print temp.u[0]
value has been optimized out

It is defined as

    290  #if defined(STRICT_ALIGNMENT)
    291          union {
    292              u64 u[2];
    293              u8 c[16];
    294          } temp;
    295  #endif

gdb command "info registers" says:

g0             0x0      0
g1             0x2      2
g2             0x6c     108
g3             0x4d0000 5046272
g4             0xb0009600       -1342138880
g5             0x3b     59
g6             0x0      0
g7             0xff392a00       -13030912
o0             0xffbfdfe8       -4202520
o1             0xffbfcdd0       -4207152
o2             0x10     16
o3             0x41     65
o4             0x0      0
o5             0x4      4
sp             0xffbfcd60       0xffbfcd60
o7             0xff208064       -14647196
l0             0xffbfcdd0       -4207152
l1             0xff1ee3c0       -14752832
l2             0x6cac0  445120
l3             0x10     16
l4             0xffbfdff8       -4202504
l5             0x6cbe0  445408
l6             0x1      1
l7             0xff338dd8       -13398568
i0             0xffffffff       -1
i1             0xffbfd091       -4206447
i2             0xffbfdfe8       -4202520
i3             0x20     32
i4             0xffbfd091       -4206447
i5             0x6cbd0  445392
fp             0xffbfcde0       0xffbfcde0
i7             0xff26d76c       -14231700
y              0x0      0
psr            0xfe001001       [ #0 EF #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 ]
wim            *value not available*
tbr            *value not available*
pc             0xff208114       0xff208114 <CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+532>
npc            0xff208118       0xff208118 <CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+536>
fsr            0x0      [ ]
csr            *value not available*

So the addresses of ctx->cmac.u[0] (0x6cbe0) and scratch.u[0] 
(0xffbfcdd0) are in registers l5 resp. l0.

Looking at disassembly around CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+532 (decimal 532 = 

     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x1d8: 12 40 00 0f  bne,pn    %icc, +0x3c 
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x1dc: c2 2f 60 0b  stb       %g1, [%i5 + 0xb]
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x1e0: c2 0f 60 0a  ldub      [%i5 + 0xa], %g1
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x1e4: 82 00 60 01  add       %g1, 0x1, %g1
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x1e8: 80 88 60 ff  btst      0xff, %g1
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x1ec: 12 40 00 0a  bne,pn    %icc, +0x28 
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x1f0: c2 2f 60 0a  stb       %g1, [%i5 + 0xa]
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x1f4: c2 0f 60 09  ldub      [%i5 + 0x9], %g1
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x1f8: 82 00 60 01  add       %g1, 0x1, %g1
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x1fc: 80 88 60 ff  btst      0xff, %g1
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x200: 12 40 00 05  bne,pn    %icc, +0x14 
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x204: c2 2f 60 09  stb       %g1, [%i5 + 0x9]
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x208: c2 0f 60 08  ldub      [%i5 + 0x8], %g1
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x20c: 82 00 60 01  add       %g1, 0x1, %g1
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x210: c2 2f 60 08  stb       %g1, [%i5 + 0x8]
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x214: f4 1f 00 00  ldd       [%i4], %i2
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x218: b8 07 20 10  add       %i4, 0x10, %i4
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x21c: c4 1f bf f0  ldd       [%fp - 0x10], %g2
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x220: d8 1f 3f f8  ldd       [%i4 - 0x8], %o4
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x224: b0 1e 80 02  xor       %i2, %g2, %i0
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x228: b2 1e c0 03  xor       %i3, %g3, %i1
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x22c: c4 1f bf f8  ldd       [%fp - 0x8], %g2
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x230: f0 3f bf f0  std       %i0, [%fp - 0x10]
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x234: 84 1b 00 02  xor       %o4, %g2, %g2
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x238: 86 1b 40 03  xor       %o5, %g3, %g3
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x23c: d8 1f 60 10  ldd       [%i5 + 0x10], %o4
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x240: c4 3f bf f8  std       %g2, [%fp - 0x8]
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x244: b4 1b 00 18  xor       %o4, %i0, %i2
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x248: b6 1b 40 19  xor       %o5, %i1, %i3
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x24c: d8 1f 60 18  ldd       [%i5 + 0x18], %o4
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x250: f4 3f 60 10  std       %i2, [%i5 + 0x10]
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x254: b4 1b 00 02  xor       %o4, %g2, %i2
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x258: b6 1b 40 03  xor       %o5, %g3, %i3
     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x25c: 40 04 c3 3a  call      +0x130ce8 

If the 0x214 address is correct, then the statement would be:

     CRYPTO_ccm128_decrypt+0x214: f4 1f 00 00  ldd       [%i4], %i2

Content of %i4 is 0xffbfd091, which is an odd number, so probably not a 
good address to load a double word from.

That's all I can see. I hope Adny has a better idea of what's happening 

If there is need, I can provide more data and test (debug) patches.

Thanks a bunch!


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