> A simple question, but not a least:
> instead of using the index.txt file as database of registered certificates,
> could it be possible to use a SQL database "e.g. PostgreSQL" as the
> engine version of openssl can with HSM "e.g. nCipher"

My PKIX extensions to PostgreSQL 7.1.x provide "native" support 
for certificates, CRLs and key (PKCS8) objects.  It also supports
PKCS7 encrypted objects.  

The external representation is always PEM (with accessor functions
to get most of the fields), the internal representation is ASN.1,
and the data is "TOASTable" so you aren't bound by the usual 8k 
limitations.  The library is mostly "glue" between the PostgreSQL
backend and the OpenSSL library.

The intention was provable consistency, not raw performance.  For
instance, in the cert repository mentioned below I recommend a
referential integrity check that requires the issuer of a cert
also be in the database.

The latest version also has a simple Jave JSP/servlet cert repository,
with certificate authority and registration authority on the way.
It supports all of the search criteria recommended by Gutman, and
besides the "direct" mode it can produce XML.  The goal is to use
XML and XSLT to produce results in whatever format you want.

On the C side, it should be easy to create a wrapper library that
uses ESQL/C (ecpg) to access the database.  Just use a host variable
and the BIO routines that use memory buffers.  With ESQL/C, it
would be easy to migrate to a different RDBMS if necessary.

Long term, it would be best to create an abstraction layer that
would allow any backend to be used.  I can think of multiple
common storage formats: text files, DBM files, LDAP, RDBMS.  But
that's definitely not a 0.9.7 task!

libpkixpq is available  at: http://www.dimensional.com/~bgiles/
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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