The data you're talking is some configuration file or something?

The application that use this data ... can decrypt the data?, or could
you add this functionality to those applications... i think your using
symmetric cryptography... that's easy... you have to use the EVP

if not... your loss... that's the meaning of security... 
confidentiality and message integrity (and authentication sometimes...)

Regards AD

El jue, 31-10-2002 a las 15:40, Karim escribió:
> Hello !
> Here is my problem : I wrote 2 codes : a server under linux and client for
> linux (and windows). The server sends datas to a client (which is on an other
> computer denoted  by C) and the connection is secured using openssl. The
> client stores those datas in a directory of C but I would like that nobody
> could access to this directory but the administrator of C (the root) can
> :( . So I thought that I could crypt the files which are in this directory
> using functions of openssl. But the datas which are in the directory have to
> be used by a code which is in this directory and I want the datas still
> remain crypted.
> So is it possible to do all that ?
> Thanks a lot for your help !
> Karim

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