I'm not saying VC++ is failing, I'm just saying there has got to be something wrong that I'm doing which I'm hoping that someone can point out.
after following the steps in the INSTALL.win32 file I ran the test as instructed and it worked fine without generating any error message, doesn't that mean everything is OK installation and setup wise? Note that I never ran any "install" or "openssl" commands during the installation.
Another q: I didn't set an environment variable from the control panel  to point to the root directory, is it important?
Must I run any openssl commands from the command prompt PRIOR to running the compiler?
Any help is highly appreciated.

Vio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think VC++ has a command-line tool (something like cmake, or
something). If VC++ fails, maybe try DevC++. VC++/DevC++ docs are your
friend :)

Layla wrote:

> Thanks for the response Vio,
> Actually I'm not familiar with the method you've proposed. but I tried
> to compile the program from command line and It failed! I can't
> understand why its compiling by using GUI but not from the command
> prompt. I'm so new to this and this project is really very important
> to me. Any one PLEASE help me.
> Thank you.
> */Vio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> I'm not too familiar with VC++ (ever tried DevC++ or MingwStudio?
> If old
> old VC++6 fails to do what you want, both free IDE alternatives), but
> whatever, doesn't VC generate some kind of Makefile betw een the
> curtains? Maybe you could create what's missing by hand?
> A Makefile looks something like this:
> ---------------------------------------
> #
> # File: Makefile for samples
> # Author: Robert Roebling
> # Created: 1999
> # Updated:
> # Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling
> #
> # This makefile requires a Unix version of wxWindows
> # to be installed on your system. This is most often
> # done typing "make install" when using the complete
> # sources of wxWindows or by installing the two
> # RPM packages wxGTK.XXX.rpm and wxGTK-devel.XXX.rpm
> # under Linux.
> #
> CXX = $(shell wx-config --cxx)
> OBJECTS = $(PROGRAM).o MySSL.o MyFrame.o MyCustom.o
> MYFLAGS = -I/d/ssl/run/include -I./ssl
> MYLIBS = -L/d/ssl/run/lib -lssl -lcrypto
> .SUFFIXES: .o .cpp .c
> .cpp.o :
> $(CXX) -g -c `wx-config --cxxflags` $(MYFLAGS) \
> -Wall -pthread -o $@ $<
> .c.o :
> gcc -g -c $(MYFLAGS) -Wall -pthread -o $@ $<
> all: $(PROGRAM)
> $(CXX) -g -o $(PROGRAM) $(OBJECTS) `wx-config --libs` \
> $(MYLIBS) -Wall -pthread
> clean:
> rm -f *.o $(PROGRAM)
> ---------------------------------------
> What it does is that it generates compiling and linking commands,
> for instance the previous Makefile generates the following:
> g++ -g -c `wx-config --cxxflags` -I/d/ssl/run/include -I./ssl -Wall
> -pthread -o MyFrame.o MyFrame.cpp
> g++ -g -o MyApp MyApp.o MySSL.o MyFrame.o MyCustom.o `wx-config
> --libs`
> -L/d/ssl/run/lib -lssl -lcrypto -Wall -pthread
> First one is a compile command, second is a linking command.
> So you need the seco nd one.
> Hope this helps somewhat,
> Vio
> Layla wrote:
> > David,
> > Thanks for responding. "didn't work" is actually missing a word :),
> > what i meant to say is "when /that/ didn't work" in reference to
> the
> > specified path.
> >
> > You're right, I can compile, its linking that is giving me an error.
> >
> >
> > "You have told the linker where the libraries are, but you didn't
> > actually link them in."
> > -So how can I actually link the library?
> >
> > Note: As I said before I'm using VC++ 6, therefore I'm compiling
> and
> > linking using GUI not from the command line, would that be an issue?
> >
> > -In the INSTALL file, I couldn't find reference to creating an
> > environment variable that points to the root directory of
> OpenS SL, and
> > I'm sure that I've read about this in one of the sites. Could
> this be
> > the cau se of my problem?
> >
> > Your help is highly appreciated.
> > Layla.
> >
> >
> >
> > */David Schwartz /* wrote:
> >
> >
> > > 1) D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
> > Documents\openssl-0.9.7d\inc32
> > > this is the directory where OpenSSL was extracted to. when
> > didn't work I
> > tried:
> >
> > What does "didn't work" mean?
> >
> > > 2) D:\openssl\include
> > > this is the directory which I have created and copied to the
> > files as
> > instructed in > the installation steps in Install.win32 file.
> >
> > > Likewise on the Link pane, in the input category, I added the
> > additional
> > library
> > > path as follows:
> > > 1) D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
> > Documents\openssl-0.9.7d\out32dll
> > > this is the directory where OpenSSL was extracted to, again when
> > that
> > didn't wor k I > tried:
> >
> > What does "didn't work" mean?
> >
> > > 2) D:\openssl\lib
> > > this directory which I have created during the installation steps
> > holds the
> > > following t wo files:
> > > - libeay32
> > < - ssleay32
> >
> > > Upon linking I get the following error message for EACH of the
> > OpenSSL
> > functions:
> > > "unresolved external symbol _SSL_CTX_free"
> >
> > If you got to linking, then you must have compiled. Which means your
> > include settings are probably fine.
> >
> > > WHAT am I doing wrong?! Please help.
> >
> > You are not linking to the OpenSSL libraries. You are including
> > the header
> > files, which is why compiling is (I think) working. You have told
> > the linker
> > where the libraries are, but you didn't actually link them in.
> >
> > DS
> >
> >
> >
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