Layla wrote:

Thank you for replying, does it make any difference if I compile from the command line or GUI? cause as I've mentioned, when I compile from Visual studio I get no error messages which indicates that it can "see" my include files, but when I tried running the compiler from the command line I got the following error:
D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\clientside>cl clientf.cpp
Microsoft <R> 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 12.00.8168 for 80x86
Copyright <C> Microsoft Corp 1984-1998. ALL rights reserved.
clientf.cpp<17> : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'openssl/crypto.h' : No such
file or directory.

Means compiler (linker?) doesn't *see* the openssl/include directory.
You must add somewhere in the VC++ settings (the "include" something?)
the equivalent of "-I path\to\openssl\include\dir\in\your\system"

Just to be sure, i'd check that crypto.h is indeed present in that dir.

*/Weijie Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

You need to make sure that you are linking to the (or, maybe, the
proper) libaray. Type "set" in your dos prompt and check the
corresponding path which define where linker goes to find your lib
etc. I believe the VC++ can show you somewhere of the enviornment
set. You can get clues by examing the difference too.

        ----- Original Message -----
        *From:* Layla <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        *To:* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        *Sent:* Wednesday, July 28, 2004 11:10 AM
        *Subject:* Re: Linking Error.

Thanks for the response Vio,
Actually I'm not familiar with the method you've proposed. but
I tried to compile the program from command line and It
failed! I can't understand why its compiling by using GUI but
not from the command prompt. I'm so new to this and this
project is really very important to me. Any one PLEASE help me.
Thank you.

        */Vio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

            I'm not too familiar with VC++ (ever tried DevC++ or
            MingwStudio? If old
            old VC++6 fails to do what you want, both free IDE
            alternatives), but
            whatever, doesn't VC generate some kind of Makefile
            between the
            curtains? Maybe you could create what's missing by hand?
            A Makefile looks something like this:


            # File: Makefile for samples
            # Author: Robert Roebling
            # Created: 1999
            # Updated:
            # Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling
            # This makefile requires a Unix version of wxWindows
            # to be installed on your system. This is most often
            # done typing "make install" when using the complete
            # sources of wxWindows or by installing the two
            # RPM packages wxGTK.XXX.rpm and wxGTK-devel.XXX.rpm
            # under Linux.

            CXX = $(shell wx-config --cxx)

            PROGRAM = MyApp

            OBJECTS = $(PROGRAM).o MySSL.o MyFrame.o MyCustom.o
            MYFLAGS = -I/d/ssl/run/include -I./ssl
            MYLIBS = -L/d/ssl/run/lib -lssl -lcrypto

            .SUFFIXES: .o .cpp .c

            .cpp.o :
            $(CXX) -g -c `wx-config --cxxflags` $(MYFLAGS) \
            -Wall -pthread -o $@ $<

            .c.o :
            gcc -g -c $(MYFLAGS) -Wall -pthread -o $@ $<

all: $(PROGRAM)

            $(PROGRAM): $(OBJECTS)
            $(CXX) -g -o $(PROGRAM) $(OBJECTS) `wx-config --libs` \
            $(MYLIBS) -Wall -pthread

            rm -f *.o $(PROGRAM)


What it does is that it generates compiling and linking commands, for instance the previous Makefile generates the following:

            g++ -g -c `wx-config --cxxflags` -I/d/ssl/run/include
            -I./ssl -Wall
            -pthread -o MyFrame.o MyFrame.cpp
            g++ -g -o MyApp MyApp.o MySSL.o MyFrame.o MyCustom.o
            `wx-config --libs`
            -L/d/ssl/run/lib -lssl -lcrypto -Wall -pthread

            First one is a compile command, second is a linking command.
            So you need the second one.

            Hope this helps somewhat,

Layla wrote:

            > David,
            > Thanks for responding. "didn't work" is actually missing
            a word :),
            > what i meant to say is "when /that/ didn't work" in
            reference to the
            > specified path.
            > You're right, I can compile, its linking that is giving
            me an error.
            > "You have told the linker where the libraries are, but
            you didn't
            > actually link them in."
            > -So how can I actually link the library?
            > Note: As I said before I'm using VC++ 6, therefore I'm
            compiling and
            > linking using GUI not from the command line, would that
            be an issue?
            > -In the INSTALL file, I couldn't find reference to
            creating an
            > environment variable that points to the root directory
            of OpenSSL, and
            > I'm sure that I've read about this in one of the sites.
            Could this be
            > the cau se of my problem?
            > Your help is highly appreciated.
            > Layla.
            > */David Schwartz /* wrote:
            > > 1) D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
            > Documents\openssl-0.9.7d\inc32
            > > this is the directory where OpenSSL was extracted to. when
            > didn't work I
            > tried:
            > What does "didn't work" mean?
            > > 2) D:\openssl\include
            > > this is the directory which I have created and copied
            to the
            > files as
            > instructed in > the installation steps in Install.win32
            > > Likewise on the Link pane, in the input category, I
            added the
            > additional
            > library
            > > path as follows:
            > > 1) D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
            > Documents\openssl-0.9.7d\out32dll
            > > this is the directory where OpenSSL was extracted to,
            again when
            > that
            > didn't wor k I > tried:
            > What does "didn't work" mean?
            > > 2) D:\openssl\lib
            > > this directory which I have created during the
            installation steps
            > holds the
            > > following t wo files:
            > > - libeay32
            > < - ssleay32
            > > Upon linking I get the following error message for
            EACH of the
            > OpenSSL
            > functions:
            > > "unresolved external symbol _SSL_CTX_free"
            > If you got to linking, then you must have compiled.
            Which means your
            > include settings are probably fine.
            > > WHAT am I doing wrong?! Please help.
            > You are not linking to the OpenSSL libraries. You are
            > the header
            > files, which is why compiling is (I think) working. You
            have told
            > the linker
            > where the libraries are, but you didn't actually link
            them in.
            > DS
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