> Right. This means that it is *not* safe to just wait for an event. You have 
> to try the operation first, and only wait for the event if you know that you 
> need to wait for the event.
> Retry the write anytime anything changes. Only wait for an event if you can 
> make no further progress unless the event occurs.

> I'm not sure specifically what your problem is. Instead of calling 'select' 
> and then trying the write, just try the write. If it fails, retry it when 
> anything changes (that would include a successful read or any kind of event). 
> That is the simplest way.

But,this is the way i'm currently do it !!!
Sorry but I think that you really don't understand...

I'm not checking socket's possibility to write, i'm just issuing SSL_write 
command till SSL_write will return SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE. Now, what?

On unix i can use 'select' with socket handle as input in write set. It will 
return when writing will become possible. But on windows it's not such easy... 
Please, here you have fragment from windows help:

"...The FD_WRITE network event is handled slightly differently. An FD_WRITE 
network event is recorded when a socket is first connected with 
connect/WSAConnect or accepted with accept/WSAAccept, and then after a send 
fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK and buffer space becomes available. Therefore, an 
application can assume that sends are possible starting from the first FD_WRITE 
network event setting and lasting until a send returns WSAEWOULDBLOCK. After 
such a failure the application will find out that sends are again possible when 
an FD_WRITE network event is recorded and the associated event object is 

it means that that i can issue 'send' commands till it will return 
WSAEWOULDBLOCK, then i can safely assiociate FD_WRITE option with my event 
object and wait in 'WaitForMultipleObjects' till windows will signal this 
event.(writing will become again possible).

But i'm not using native winsocks API, i'm using openSSL. OpenSSL issues 
'sends' commands internally. When i issue SSL_write, i don't known how many 
times openSSL issues 'send' command and what is return value of 'send'. The 
only thing i will get is SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE. (It could, but it don't have to 
(!!!!) be result of WSAEWOULDBLOCK 'send' error, it could be result of other 
errors or some openSSL internal logic). See: 'BIO_sock_non_fatal_error' 
function in 'bss_sock.c' in openSSL source tree.

In simply words: 'select' returns current possibility of socket to do 
something, windows events are results of some other events not current socket's 
states. I cannot simply wait for some condition to become possible i should 
know if i have to wait, openSSL breaks this logic: it doesn't do everything not 
bothering user, but it also takes away control from user over issuing winsock 

I have an idea (now just only idea) of how it could be overcome but this is my 
own idea and i have to test it (mix windows events with 'select' in some 
special way). But what is the sense of sending questions i answer to it my own? 
I think OpenSSL is not such windows compatibile as it's advertised to be.

> The beauty of non-blocking operations is it's perfectly safe to retry every 
> operation anytime anything changes. So you have to do something really dumb 
> to deadlock.

No comments.


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