>> Storing some fingerprint of a certificate or public key locally
>> in some trusted place (such as a local file system) seems to be
>> quite secure (should be the same level as having a CAs root
>> certificate in a file), however, I'm not sure if this works with
>> OpenSSL which seems to expect to be able to verifiy the whole
>> certificate chain up to the root certificate even if intermediate
>> certificates are locally avialable. As far as I know /
>> understood - please correct me if I'm wrong!
>Remember, he's using his own server and client code. So he can disable
>certificate checking in OpenSSL and do his own. There are several ways to do
>this, but one that I've used a few times works like this:
>The server can use any key/certificate at all to establish the SSL
>connection. It doesn't matter. (Self-signed, issued by CA, persistent,
>temporary, makes no difference.)
>Set OpenSSL to accept self-signed certificates and not to check the name.
>After the SSL session is established but before any important data is
>exchanged, perform your own verification step that meets your own security
>requirements. Make certain that the verification includes data from the SSL
>handshake to prevent a MITM from substituting his own SSL session but
>passing the second level authentication.
>In this second step of verification, you can exchange public keys,
>certificates, challenges, responses, and so on. Each side can verify what it
>is talking to on the other side by whatever mechanism you want.
>Again, the only serious potential gotcha is a MITM who might replace the
>single SSL session with his two (one to each end) and proxy the second step
>and then takeover or monitor the data connection. Ensuring that each side's
>SSL_get_finished matches the other side's SSL_get_peer_finished should be
>sufficient to prevent this. (Include these in the signed objects you

Hello David,
I would like to learn more on MITM in this particular scenario. I used to 
believe that if a server is using a signed certificate, the MITM is not 
possible (Is it possible with techniques like DNS poisoning?). Looks like I 
missed something important. Could you point me to the information on this?

~ Urjit

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