Gunivortus Goos wrote:
Hello yueyue,

it could be compiled as 64 bit version.

That would be great.

I compiler openSSL as 64bit for Vista, but the performance is
nearly half of 32 bit version.

Hmm... Why is that?

I can't do it myself, don't know anything about such technical
things, am just an enduser.
Is there a downloadlink?

You could try building a 64-bit target using Visual C++ 2008 Express (free) and NASM (also free).

I'm holding back from a 64-bit build of the Win32(?) OpenSSL installer for another couple weeks because I need to purchase Visual Studio Professional 2008 (i.e. I can't use VC++ Express) for various reasons and my development computer gets unhappy when I install new development tools. I installed Python recently and pretty much instantly regretted doing so as it hosed portions of my dev. environment. So I'm dreading the VS install.

* Win32 might not be a good name to use anymore.

Thomas Hruska
Shining Light Productions

Home of BMP2AVI, Nuclear Vision, ProtoNova, and Win32 OpenSSL.

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