>  Most of them you don't need to worry about. I'd suggest looking at the fd BIO
>  and copy some of the functionality from that.

OK, I will. I just wondered because mem_new (the new method of
BIO_s_mem) sets shutdown = 1 ; init = 1; num = -1 and rtcp does init =
1 ; num = 0 ; flags = 0 ; so I'd like to know what's the difference,
and what do I set to what to achieve which effect.

>  If you need non blocking I/O I'd suggest getting blocking going first which 
> is
>  just a case of supplying custom read/write routines in the BIO_METHOD. Once
>  that is working you can get sort out the retry mechanism.

I'll think about it. In our library most blocking methods are just
calls to the non-blocking inside a while-loop, but that's my partner's

Thanks a lot



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