an other thought - I didn't notice your third SSL_set_bio(m_ssl, NULL,
bioMem); so my suggestion wasn't quite correct.  and its always usfull to
get error by calling SSL_get_error() - it can point to right direction.
and below is from other thread:

The BIO_new_mem_buf creates a read-only buffer.
If you want to write to memory use
bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
and use BIO_get_mem_ptr to get a pointer to the buffer.


On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Nate Leon <> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am in the process of converting an SMTP/TLS server to use Async IO.
> (using IO Completion Ports on Windows)
> As such, the previously working style of using SSL_accept, select, and
> SSL_read / SSL_write is no longer sufficient.
> Now that I am using WSARecv to do the read, my app is notified when a
> buffer is filled with (encrypted) data.
> Somebody suggested I stuff that data into a BIO buffer and read it out of
> that.
> I attempted to use BIO_read but without success.
> I seem to have that half working now, looking roughly like this:
> (over-simplified for readability)
> // SMTP client requests STARTTLS, server takes these actions:
> BIO* m_bioSckt = BIO_new_socket((int)scktUpstream, BIO_NOCLOSE);
> SSL* m_ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
> SSL_set_accept_state(m_ssl);
> SSL_set_bio(m_ssl, m_bioSckt, m_bioSckt);
> // Server sends "220 go ahead" to client, and waits for Client/Server
> to negotiate handshake
> int nRetCode = SSL_accept(m_ssl);
> // This succeeds - client reports: "New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is
> AES256-SHA, etc..."
> // Now client sends command (e.g. "EHLO") which needs to
> be decrypted
> BIO* m_bioMem = BIO_new_mem_buf(encryptedData, nEncDataSize);
> SSL_set_bio(m_ssl, m_bioMem, NULL);
> char decryptedData[4096];
> int numBytesRead = SSL_read(m_ssl, decryptedData, sizeof(decryptedData));
> // SMTP server processes decryptedData and takes appropriate action -
> e.g. sends a "250 OK" response
> // That response needs to be encrypted before it is sent (WSASend)
> BIO* bioMem = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer());
> SSL_set_bio(m_ssl, NULL, bioMem);
> int numBytesWritten = SSL_write(m_ssl, responseData, nRespDataSize);   //
> fails
> BIO_flush(bioMem);
> I am testing using the openssl client:
> openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect localhost:25 -crlf -msg -debug
> The SSL_write seems to fail completely. :(
> Am I on the right track here?
> Is it the optimal way to go about it?
> Also surprising, (at least to me) is that BIO_new_socket and
> BIO_new_mem_buf return the identical address in memory,
> which makes me think I am really not understanding how this is supposed to
> work.
> Any pointers are much appreciated.
> TIA,
> n8
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