Again, thanks for all the pointers, these are really helpful getting
me going in the right direction.
I am still digesting all of your info, but wanted to discuss this
point further, as it almost sounds like a show-stopper:

> be aware that SSL BIO's (and (SSL*) sessions!) are 'threadsafe' in the sense 
> that OpenSSL *assumes* a (SSL *) or
> /any/ BIO remains inside a single thread from the moment it becomes 'active', 
> i.e. is set up / is going to do some work.

As you pointed out, "the IOCP model does NOT tie a socket to a single
thread."  In fact, I will likely have four worker threads receiving
traffic off the wire, hopefully supporting many thousands of
simultaneous client sessions, and each client session consisting of
multiple command/data submissions.  Thus, it is most likely that all
of the submissions from a single client session will NOT hit the same
worker thread in my application.

I have extended the OVERLAPPED object in my app to include things such
as session state, and was planning to include a TLSWrapper object
there (encapsulates SSL* m_ssl, BIO_pair, etc...) as well so that each
client submission during a session will get the same SSL* object.
However, this implies that various threads may work on one of my SSL*
object during the life of a client session.  It sounds like you are
saying this is not going to work?  Note, my app guarantees any m_ssl
object will NOT get picked up by two threads simultaneously, so any
given m_ssl object will only get touched by one thread at a time.

But are you saying the SSL* object ties itself to the specific thread
that set it up?  That doesn't make sense to me, so I'm hoping that I'm
just reading too much into your statement.  Otherwise, it sounds like
I would have to setup and tear down the SSL objects every time a
client submits data to my app during a single session? (could be
hundreds or thousands of separate client submissions during the life
of a single client session)

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